Work and learn as a team with Skedbee.


Skedbee helps you easily manage a small team or a very large group. It's designed and built for a very large group of 1000 members or more.

The powerful group feature allows members of the group to share activities, tasks, checklist, instructions with images or videos or anything that helps other members in the group.

Skedbee can use it's learning to prioritize and schedule activities that are imported from a group or team. It can suggest when, what, where and how you can complete the imported activity.

Skedbee can use it's learning to prioritize and schedule activities that are imported from a group or team.

Skedbee For Groups

Skedbee Groups created by experts are subscription groups. Experts like chefs, instructors, tourist guides, artists and others can create a group and have any number of followers. Experts can use the group feature to help their followers learn or experience new activities. Activities created in this group gets published to all the followers. Group owners have the option to assign proxies to manage their group.

Experts can help others to learn and easily estimate the amount of work needed to complete an activity.

Skedbee For Teams

Skedbee Teams is designed for working teams. Here you can assign activities to individual members in the team and visualize the progress.

Skedbee For Friends And Relatives

Friends and relatives are similar to Skedbee Groups but with limited numbers of members. With all the amazing group features, you can share activities related to places you visited or creative projects you worked on and encourage your friends and family to experience those activities. So, when you take an amazing vacation, you as an expert, can share all your vacation activities and help your friends.

Any group or team will have the option to enable members to discuss, broadcast and assign activities to members.