
Skedbee's Dates and Times Natural Language Processing Commands For Scheduling Activities In Calendar

Here are a few examples..

  • Followup with emails skedit today

  • Complete science assignment skedit next week for 2hr

  • Meeting skedit wed at 3:30pm for one hour

  • Team meeting skedit everyday from 8:30am-9:00am

  • Finish reading skedit @Reading end of next month for 2h.30m/1h

  • Complete presentation skedit end of this month between 9am-5pm for 1h

  • Wish mom happy birthday skedit every 25th of jul before 9am for 15m

  • Celebrate Dad's birthday skedit every 25th of apr at 8pm for 3h

  • Go for a hike skedit for two hours every weekend

  • Team review skedit for 30m every work days

Simple tips to get started..

  • Use "for" keyword to specify duration. (tomorrow for 30min)

  • Use "from" keyword to specify fixed duration for meetings. (tomorrow from 11:30am-1:00pm)

  • Use "at" keyword to specify the exact time (Fixed schedule or meetings) to schedule. (wed at 3:30pm)

  • Use "before" keyword to schedule activity before a certain time. (wed before 3:30pm)

  • Use "between" keyword to schedule activity after and before a certain time. (everyday between 9:30am and 4:00pm)

  • Start with "every" keyword to add recurring activities. (every 3 days)

  • Use "until" keyword to specify end criteria for recurring schedule. (every 3 days until end of next year)

More options..

Specifying @Tag schedule and duration in Skedit command

Commands using "for" keyword to assign duration and @Tag that holds time blocking schedule information.


  • @Tags are ignored for fixed schedule (meetings and appointment types).
  • @Tags are ignored for all recurring schedule. Instead, Skedbee generates all recurring instances.
  • "for" keyword is required to specify duration.

Activity Text With Schedule CommandResults

NOTE : When using duration like 1h.30m/15m, DO NOT USE SPACES

Complete science assignment skedit in 3 weeks for 1.30/15

(Or) Complete science assignment skedit in 3 weeks for 1h.30m/15m

(Or) ... skedit ... for 1hr.30/15

(Or) ... skedit ... for 1hour.30min/15min

Duration: Skedbee assigns a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete this activity.

Minimum duration needed to schedule this activity is at least 15 minutes.

When specifying duration without "hr" or "min" text, 1.30/15 defaults to 1hr.30min/15min. 1/15 defaults to 1hr.0min/15min

Complete science assignment skedit in 3 weeks for 4.30/1h

Duration: Skedbee assigns a total of 4 hours and 30 minutes to complete this activity.

Minimum duration needed to schedule this activity is at least 1 hour.

Finish reading skedit @Reading end of next month for 2h

Schedule: Skedbee schedules this activity while @Reading hours.

Duration: Skedbee assigns a total of 2 hours to complete this activity.

Default minimum duration needed to schedule this activity is at least 30 minutes.

Call my friend skedit in 3 weeks for 20m

Duration: Skedbee assigns a total of 20 minutes to complete this activity.

Default minimum duration needed to schedule this activity is at least 20 minutes.

Creating schedule with end date and time

Commands to schedule activity before an end date and time using preferences and learning.

Activity Text With Schedule CommandResults
Complete science assignment skedit today

Activity Text : Complete science assignment

Schedule : Custom schedule before an end date and time.

End Date : today at 11:30pm (Default time)

Skedbee will schedule and reschedule "Complete science assignment" any time before 11:30pm today using preferences and learning.

Other commands : tomorrow, day after tomorrow, 11/30 (mm/dd)

Complete science assignment skedit today for 2h.30m

Activity Text : Complete science assignment

Schedule : Custom schedule before an end date and time.

End Date : today at 11:30pm (Default time)

Skedbee will schedule and reschedule "Complete science assignment" any time before 11:30pm today using preferences and learning.

Duration: Skedbee assigns a total of 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete this activity. Read more..

Other commands : tomorrow, day after tomorrow, 11/30 (mm/dd)

Complete science assignment skedit in 3 weeks for 1.30/15

Activity Text : Complete science assignment

Schedule : Custom schedule before an end date and time.

End Date : 3 weeks from today (Default time)

Skedbee will schedule and reschedule "Complete science assignment" any time before the end date using preferences and learning.

Duration: Skedbee assigns a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete this activity. Minimum duration needed to schedule this activity is at least 15 minutes. Read more..

Other commands : in 2 days, in 2 months

Follow up with customer skedit @Working end of this week for 2/15

Activity Text : Follow up with customer

Schedule : Custom schedule while @Working hours before an end date and time. Read more..

End Date : Friday of current week at 11:30pm (Default time)

Skedbee will schedule and reschedule "Follow up with customer" any time before 11:30pm on Friday of current week using preferences and learning.

Duration: Skedbee assigns a total of 2 hours to complete this activity. Minimum duration needed to schedule this activity is at least 15 minutes. Read more..

Other commands : end of next week, end of this month, end of next month

Complete presentation skedit end of this month between 9am-5pm for 1h

Activity Text : Complete presentation

Schedule : Custom schedule (any time after 9am and before 5pm)

End Date : end of the current month at 6:00pm (Default time)

Skedbee will schedule and reschedule "Complete presentation" any time after 9am and before 5pm any day until end of current month using preferences and learning.

Duration: Skedbee assigns a total of 1 hour to complete this activity. Minimum duration needed to schedule this activity is at least 30 minutes (default).

Other commands : end of next week, end of next month

Pay bills skedit end of next month week1, wk2

Activity Text : Pay bills

Schedule : Custom schedule before an end date and time.

End Date : End of next month at 6:00pm (Default time)

Skedbee will schedule and reschedule "Pay bills" any time either on the first week or second week of the month, before 6:00pm of last day of next month using preferences and learning. This command will include first week and second week of current month and next month in activity schedule.

Complete annual report skedit end of nov

Activity Text : Complete annual report

Schedule : Custom schedule before an end date and time.

End Date : 30 November at 6:00pm (Defaults to 6:00pm. Use "before [time]" to specify time)

Skedbee will schedule and reschedule "Complete annual report" any time before 6:00pm of 30th November using preferences and learning.

Complete annual report skedit end of nov before 8:30am wk1 thurs,fri

Activity Text : Complete annual report

Schedule : Custom schedule before an end date and time.

End Date : 30 November at 8:30am

Skedbee will schedule and reschedule "Complete annual report" any time before the given end date using preferences and learning. This command will include only Thursday and Friday of first week of all the months until 30 November 8:30am in activity schedule.

Call my friend skedit monday or sun or wed at 6:30pm

Activity Text : Call my friend

Schedule : Skedbee Suggestions

End Date : End of the current week

Skedbee will schedule and reschedule "Call my friend" any time on Sunday or Monday or Wednesday around 6:30pm-7:00pm using preferences and learning.

Creating fixed schedule (Example: Meetings, appointments)

Commands to schedule activity at a provided date and time.

Activity Text With Schedule CommandResults
Meeting with team skedit today at 10:00am

Activity Text : Meeting with team

Schedule : Fixed schedule

Start Time : today at 10:00am

Duration : 30 minutes (Default)

Skedbee will schedule "Meeting with team" today from 10:00am-10:30am

Other commands : tomorrow 10:00pm, tomorrow at 10:00pm, day after tomorrow at 10:00pm, 11/30 at 10:00pm (mm/dd format),11/30/23 at 10:00pm (mm/dd/yy format)

Meeting with John skedit monday, sun, wed from 10am to 11am

Activity Text : Meeting with John

Schedule : Fixed schedule

Start Time : 10am-11am on Monday, Sunday and Wednesday of all weeks and months

Duration : 1 hour

Skedbee will schedule "Meeting with John" at 10am for 1 hour on Monday, Sunday and Wednesday of all weeks and months

Meeting with team skedit today at 10:00am for 15m

Activity Text : Meeting with team

Schedule : Fixed schedule

Start Time : today at 10:00am

Duration : 15 minutes. Read more..

Skedbee will schedule "Meeting with team" today from 10:00am-10:15am

Other commands : tomorrow 10:00pm, tomorrow at 10:00pm, day after tomorrow at 10:00pm, 11/30 at 10:00pm (mm/dd format),11/30/23 at 10:00pm (mm/dd/yy format)

Doctor's appointment skedit fri at 10:00am for 1h

Activity Text : Doctor's appointment

Schedule : Fixed schedule

Start Time : Friday of current week at 10:00am

Duration : 1 hour. Read more..

Skedbee will schedule "Doctor's appointment" on Friday from 10:00am-11:00am

Pay bills skedit end of next month at 10:00am

Activity Text : Pay bills

Schedule : Fixed schedule

Start Time : 30th or 31st of next month at 10:00am

Duration : 30 minutes (Default)

Skedbee will schedule "Pay bills" on last day of next month from 10:00am-10:30am

Go for a jog skedit monday, sun, wed at 6:30pm

Activity Text : Go for a jog

Schedule : Fixed schedule

Start Time : 6:30pm-7:00pm on Monday, Sunday and Wednesday of all weeks and months

Duration : 30 minutes (Default)

Skedbee will schedule "Go for a jog" at 6:30pm on Monday, Sunday and Wednesday of all weeks and months

Creating recurring schedule with or without an end date

Commands to schedule activity any time, monthly, weekly or daily, using preferences and learning.

Activity Text With Schedule CommandResults
Water plants skedit weekly mon or fri

Activity Text : Water plants

Schedule : Skedbee suggestions

Start Date : Starts from next Monday or Friday

End Date : none

Recurring Interval : schedule the activity every week starting next week.

Skedbee will schedule "Water plants" and reminds weekly on Monday or Friday using preferences and learning.

Other commands : daily, monthly wk1, wk2

Mow the lawn skedit every 2 weeks

Activity Text : Mow the lawn

Schedule : Skedbee suggestions

Start Date : Starts from next week

End Date : none

Recurring Interval : schedule the activity once in two weeks starting next week.

Other commands : every 2 months, every 2 days

Read a book skedit every 3 days until end of sep 2022

Activity Text : Read a book

Schedule : Skedbee suggestions

Start Date : Starts from tomorrow

End Date : 30 September 2022 11:00pm

Recurring Interval : schedule the activity once in three days starting tomorrow.

Other commands : every 3 days until end of sep 2022 in Jan, feb, sep

Creating recurring fixed schedule (Example: Recurring meetings and appointments)

Commands to schedule activity at a provided time, monthly, weekly or daily depending on available free time.

Activity Text With Schedule CommandResults
Team meeting skedit every 2 weeks at 10:00am on monday

Activity Text : Team meeting

Schedule : Fixed recurring schedule

Start Time : Monday at 10:00am-10:30am

Duration : 30 minutes (Default)

Recurring End Date : none

Recurring Interval : once in 2 weeks on a Monday

Other commands : every 2 days at 2:00pm, every 2 week at 8:30 until end of next month mon, thurs

Planning meeting skedit every 10 days at 10:30am until end of feb 2023 in dec, feb

Activity Text : Planning meeting

Schedule : Fixed recurring schedule

Start Time : 10:30am-11:00am

Duration : 30 minutes (Default)

Recurring End Date : Ends last day of February 2023 at 6:00pm

Recurring Interval : schedule the activity once in 10 days

Skedbee will schedule "Planning meeting" only in the month of December and February.

Meet with John skedit everyday from 8:30am-10:00am

Activity Text : Meet with John

Schedule : Fixed recurring schedule

Start Time :8:30am-10:00am

Duration : 1 hour and 30 minutes

Recurring Interval : every 1 day

Skedbee will schedule "Meet with John" everyday from 8:30am to 10:00am

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