
Explanation of unique terms used in Skedbee

You can use your creativity to use these terms as you wish. But, we had the below idea in mind. Our goal is to manage both long term and the most minuscule work in one place.


A plan is collection of activities. You can view a plan as your long term goal or as a name that categorizes a group of activities.

E.g. Learn to cook, My Office Work, My fitness plan

Plan can also be just a label. E.g. Personal, Office, Home, Programming class CSE413


An activity is a task or set of tasks that you wished to act on at a given time. Activities usually have a due date, duration (time needed to complete) and schedule (recurring, best time to work or complete).

Simply said, an activity is a task or set of tasks that holds details on when to do. Activities always gets scheduled in your calendar.

E.g. Call customer and get feedback by end of next week, Pay bills end of each month

Some activities are so simple that, it may not have any tasks or checklist. E.g get pizza for dinner or call home this evening


Tasks are instructions or details on what to do

E.g watch the video and take a quiz, Call customer and get feedback

Note that Skedbee tasks has no information on when you should be doing the task.


Checklist or List are ordered items or snippets of information that you may need before or after you accomplish tasks or activities

E.g Milk, Cereal, Bread, Tent, Flashlight

Checklist can also be list that you go over after completing an activity. E.g. Make sure to check for signature, turn off lights, lock the door


Your daily notes and logs on what you did, how long you worked or how you accomplished your activities.

Time blocks (@Tag)

@Tag holds your time blocking schedule. E.g @Reading, @Cooking

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